York Rite College No. 42















Past Governors

Name                             Year

Michael R. Fowler        2023-24

Billy M Burden             2022-23

Alvin R. Abbott, Jr.       2021-22

Mark H. Welch              2020-21

Geoffrey L. Lasswell     2019-20

Karl B. Rambaud          2018-19

Fredric L. Barlow         2017-18

Jeff Estes                       2016-17

Eric L. Johnson             2015-16

Jerald H. Starks             2014-15

Larry E. Raglan             2013-14

Jim L. Grimm               2012-13

Arlo R. Sloan                2011-12

Earl F. Wys                   2010-11

Michael L. McDorman 2009-10

H. Wayne Hoffman      2008-09

Arthur W. Williams *  2007-08

Thomas L. Yingling    2006-07

Robert H. Wright         2005-06

Allen L. Lester             2004-05

Robert L. Cook            2003-04

Edmond C. Fetzer *     2002-03

Gerald M. Carrell *      2001-02

Bernard M. North        2000-01

Donald E. Bulen *        1999-00

Stanley P. Boyd           1998-99

A. Howard Butler *     1997-98

Kenneth L. Williams* 1996-97

Perry W. Foltz             1995-96

James R. DeBates *     1994-95

Willard D. Staggs *     1993-94

George H. Morgan *    1992-93

C. Walden Crouch  *    1991-92

Edward E. Derry          1990-91

Harry M. Randolph *   1989-90

Ralph A. Tabor *         1988-89

Richard L. Speer *        1987-88

George A. Hallowell*  1986-87

Chester A McMullen*  1985-86

William C.Roseboom*  1984-85

John H. Dow *             1983-84

Erick J. Hale *              1982-83

Frederick F. Krumpe* 1981-82

Clifton H. Amberg *    1980-81

C. Lee Rhodes *           1979-80

Kenneth W. Smith  *    1978-79

John B. Hall *               1977-78

Kenneth N. Eccles *    1976-77

John W Heafer, Sr *    1975-76


Treasurer Emeritus

Richard L. "Ken" Lasswell

Past Secretaries

Earl F. Wys

Robert L. Cook

Elmer F. "Mac" McIntosh *

Eric G. Hale *


Charter Officers

John W. Heafer, Sr *- Preeminent Governor

Kenneth N. Eccles *- Deputy Governor

John B. Hall * - Chancellor

Vertner J. Donnan *- Treasurer

Eric G. Hale *- Secretary

Kenneth W. Smith *- Primate

C. Lee Rhodes *- Preceptor

Richard Huse *- Seneschal

Clifton H. Amberg *- Marshal

V. Dean Stelle *- Sentinel

Frederick T. Krumpe *- Herald

* - Deceased


The Square and Compass